Cannabis has something of a ‘love-hate relationship within society. To some, cannabis is an addictive drug with dangerous psychoactive properties that should be avoided at all costs. To others, it’s a natural plant that makes you feel relaxed, happy, and able to function as long as you don’t smoke too much. CBD is one of over 100+ cannabinoid compounds found in cannabis that belong to a class of molecules called cannabinoids, which are unique to cannabis & hemp plants.
CBD stands for cannabidiol, the most abundant non-psychoactive cannabinoid found naturally in hemp on Earth. And the reason why so many people are turning their focus towards OIL derived from hemp instead of marijuana can be summed up in one word: Cannabidiol. Let’s talk more about this topic below.
So, Is There Any Scientific Backing?

Cannabidiol has risen to fame thanks to claims that it can help treat various health conditions, including seizures, pain, anxiety, and various mental disorders like schizophrenia & depression. So much interest is being focused on CBD oil for sale because people are struggling with drug addiction. The question that’s now flooding the internet is “Does CBD help with drug addiction?” which begs the answer:
Recent scientific studies out of Spain (where cannabis was made legal in all forms) suggest that CBD interacts directly with opioid receptors in our brain! This means that unlike opioids themselves or even synthetic cannabinoids (like K2), Cannabidiol use won’t actually make you feel ‘high’ but could very well reduce the cravings or anxiety you experience when coming off a drug like heroin!
The only way to legally obtain CBD products (apart from stealing them) is through online retail outlets. But make sure you do your thorough research before purchasing anything, especially since CBD oil hasn’t been approved for use by the FDA as medicine just yet. Health food stores offer hemp oil that contains cannabinoids, but they’re usually a lot more expensive and less pure than those found on the black market or online suppliers.
Additionally, it’s essential to understand that just because certain types of cannabis have been legalized in part of America, this doesn’t mean buying CBD is as simple as walking into a shop & saying “hello.” Purchasing CBD oil is nearly impossible in most parts of the USA. Thanks to a particular law, hemp oil with THC is still illegal on a federal level and considered a narcotic.
So while we can’t say for sure whether CBD helps with drug addiction, it’s certainly looking more likely that CBD interacts with our brains in much the same way addictive substances like heroin do. That also includes opioid-like effects within regions responsible for governing cravings & emotions! Although there are countless anecdotal cases where people have claimed that CBD has helped them overcome severe addictions, it remains to be seen if these will hold up against tighter scientific controls over future studies. For now, we wouldn’t recommend trying Cannabidiol supplements or hemp oil to get high. Still, there’s certainly more evidence suggesting they could help reduce cravings or anxiety when you come off of a drug like heroin.
Does CBD help with Opioids?

We will go over CBD’s effectiveness regarding drug addiction in general—and its most common form: opioids. Drug addiction is complex, and one treatment method does not suit everyone. Increased endocannabinoid signaling seems to reduce the rewarding properties of various drugs, including alcohol.
CBD has been shown to reduce cocaine-seeking behaviors. Metabolites of both cocaine and amphetamine activate the CB1 receptor, suggesting this receptor may be necessary for their addictive properties.
A CB1 receptor antagonist (rimonabant) reduced nicotine self-administration in rats and decreased their motivation to seek the drug. CBD also reduces cue-induced heroin-seeking behaviors and normalizes dopamine levels in the brain’s reward system. This means that it may reduce cravings as well as some withdrawal symptoms.
We don’t want to go into too much detail because this post is already long enough. The key takeaway here is that scientific evidence supports CBD’s effectiveness at reducing drug withdrawal symptoms and reducing relapse behavior for different types of addictive drugs, including opioids. You can learn more on this great resource on CBD products.
What about CBD and Opioid Addiction Specifically?

An animal study showed that morphine-addicted lab rats had increased anxiety levels, disrupted sleeping patterns, and less physical activity compared to non-addicted rats. CBD attenuated the increased anxiety levels, increased weight gain, and restored normal sleep patterns in morphine-dependent rats. Studies have also shown that CBD blocks opioid reward in the brain by activating serotonin receptors—that’s why it reduces cravings.
An animal study found that CBD blocked heroin self-administration in addicted rats, which suggests it may also be beneficial for humans. Opioid withdrawal can cause severe discomfort. Symptoms usually appear within 6 hours of last use and typically include restlessness, muscle pain, chills, diarrhea, vomiting, bone pain, and severe agitation/mental depression.
CBD has been shown to reduce opioid withdrawal symptoms in mice. It may benefit people withdrawing from opioids, particularly if their withdrawal is caused by addiction rather than pain.
Is There any Evidence from Human Studies?

A study found that CBD produces significant improvements in the severity of cocaine, amphetamine, and nicotine withdrawal symptoms. In addition, participants receiving CBD reported a reduction in cravings after four days of abstinence. CBD reduced craving for heroin and anxiety scores, although CBD did not help reduce physical pain associated with opioid withdrawal.
In a small study on humans trying to quit smoking, those who received 200mg doses of CBD experienced less severe withdrawal symptoms than those who received placebo. Another small clinical trial saw a 50% or more significant decrease in opiate withdrawal symptoms following 40mg oral doses of nabilone (synthetic THC) daily over seven days.
So, what do these findings tell us? While there are promising preclinical studies that indicate CBD could help with opioid withdrawal symptoms, there is very little human evidence to support this. We’re not sure if it’s the best idea to try CBD for quitting opioids. But I certainly think it’s worth a shot for those who have no other recourse.
If you or someone you know has an addiction problem and wants to try out CBD products, please be cautious about where you purchase your products. You should also consult with a doctor before starting any new treatment plan, especially before stopping any current treatment protocol. This way, both your doctor and the manufacturer can track how well your treatments are going.