If you’ve researched the topic before opening this article, you’ve most likely learned that a basic inground pool would cost approximately $40.000 to install. However, the expenses you’ll have in the end will heavily depend on a few important factors, including the materials used, the size, design, and of course, the shape of the pool.
So, if you’re planning on installing a pool during this year, you might be wondering what is the least expensive shape to choose. Luckily for all people that are wondering the same thing, our article can help! Here is everything you should know about the least expensive shapes, as well as some FAQ that you might want to learn the answers to:
What Are The Least Expensive Shapes?
Before we move on with our article, one of the first things that you probably want to know and learn is what are the least expensive swimming pool shapes. For starters, you should know that options that have regular and traditional shapes are always more affordable than ones that are weird and unconventional, which means that the cheapest shapes that you can choose from are rectangular, curved, as well as oval.
What does this mean? Well, it means that most contractors such as compasspools.com.au have an easy time installing and constructing ones that are rectangular, curved, or oval, which means that they’re extremely easy to construct. To help you understand why these options are the least expensive, we’ll break down each of them. The things you should know about each of the options include the following:

Choosing a Rectangular Shape
The first thing you should know about this option is that most homeowners choose it, especially if they’re planning on building the pool on their own. After all, it won’t require them to have excellent skills, which is the case with oval and curved options. In most situations, it’ll cost approximately 15.000 to 20.000 dollars to construct a rectangular one, which is quite more affordable than, for example, free form.
Again, it’s important that we mention that the final price will depend on other factors – which we’ll discuss later on in the article – hence, think about what you’ll add to it. Things such as a waterfall or advanced water features will make it cost more, thus, if you’re planning on adding a lot of features to the construction, you can expect to pay a maximum of $65.000 for a traditional, medium-sized rectangular swimming pool.
Choosing an Oval or Curved Shape
If you opt for an oval or curved form, it’ll, as the names imply, feature complex edges. This means that it’ll cost more for you to construct it in your backyard. Besides this, you’ll have to hire a professional constructing company, mostly because it’ll require you to have exceptional skills and knowledge, which, of course, means that you’ll end up paying extra for installing an oval or curved swimming pool.
Nonetheless, it’ll cost you approximately 2.000 to 2.500 dollars more to construct either of the two options we’ve mentioned, which means that you can expect to pay a minimum of $22.000 and a maximum of $67.000 dollars (if you’re planning on adding more features). Hence, if you’re willing to pay an additional 2.000 to 2.500 dollars, you can opt for installing an oval or curved option in your backyard.
Are There Any Other Factors That Influence The Price?

Before we conclude this article, there are some things that we need to mention, all of which can help you save money when choosing between the shape, size, and material options for your swimming pool. As we’ve mentioned at the beginning of the article, the things that’ll influence the overall expenses that you’ll have when designing and building a pool in your backyard are the following:
The Materials You Opt For
As you know by now a rectangular and an oval choice will be quite cheaper than some other options available on the market, however, the materials you opt for can and most likely will influence your expenses. For instance, if you want to construct one made from concrete, you can expect to pay more than one constructed from fiberglass. After all, a large, rectangular, concrete pool will take more manpower and time to build, which is why you need to carefully choose the materials.
To make things easier for you, fiberglass and vinyl materials are more affordable than some other options, hence, if you want to ensure that everything is budget-friendly, choose either of these two options. Additionally, besides concrete, be careful about other expensive materials. For instance, if you opt for a granite material that’ll feature a waterfall, heating, and LED lights, you’ll definitely pay so much more.
The Additional Features You Opt For
The features you opt for will drastically influence the expenses in the end. For example, adding a jumping board, LED lights, a waterfall, installing a state-of-the-art pump, and purchasing a robot vacuum cleaner will provide you with so many benefits, however, these things will also increase the cost of the pool. To avoid spending too much right away, you could choose to add these features later on instead of during the construction process.

The Area Around The Pool
Lastly, the area around the pool – the patio – will also affect the price of the construction. Again, the expenses you’ll have on this will depend on the materials, size, and design you opt for, hence, the larger you go, the more you’ll end up paying. Keep in mind, curved pools will have a larger patio area because of their unconventional shape, which implies that it’ll be more expensive for you to choose this option.
As you were able to read and learn, the shape you opt for your swimming pool will definitely change the overall expenses you’ll have in the end. Hence, if you want to lower the price for the pool, you should follow all of the tips we’ve mentioned above, mostly because it’ll help you make everything so much more affordable for yourself.
Since you now know which things you’ll need to consider and, of course, determine, you really shouldn’t do any more digging. Instead, you might want to return to the first point in our article and then think long and hard about the shape you want your swimming pool to have.