An AVI file plays audio and videos(multimedia) content and it was launched by Microsoft in the early nineties. They have become popular, especially in the entertainment industry. It is a remarkable media format, but it also faces chronic issues like the file getting corrupted. A corrupt file, in simple words, is a file that cannot be read.
There are several reasons why a file can go corrupt. At times a malicious virus attack can make the bits unreadable. At other times the hardware might make some changes which affect the file’s readability.
Whatever the case, a file that cannot be read is pretty useless. So if you have an AVI file that cannot be deciphered, you can use Video Repair (this is software).
Some Quick Tips To Fix A Faulty AVI File

Use Video Repair Tools
Software is available in the market that can effectively repair an AVI file. One such software is known as Stellar Repair For Video. This program has several advantages. It can repair a damaged file from any device. So if you have a corrupted file in your camera or on your phone or laptop, this software will do the job.
In fact, it does not matter if the file is stored in the memory card or the device itself. It works on multiple versions of Windows. You can download it for free. The free version repairs 20% of the total size of the corrupted file/folder.
However, if you wish to repair the entire video, you can choose from one of the following packages: standard, professional or premium. The standard version is valid for a period of one month. The other two versions are valid for a period of one year.
Then there is another software known as Wondershare. The good part about this tool is that the interface is quite easy to understand. If you are trying to repair a corrupted folder for the very first time in your life, this software is a good choice.
It can be downloaded for free from the original website of the company. To repair a file/folder, all you have to do is click on the option that says “Add folder” on the left-hand bottom of the panel. Once you have added the folder that needs to be repaired, you simply have to press “Repair”, and the process will start.
There is also an option where you can check a preview of the file while the repair is still going on. This option lets you check for yourself if the repair is giving the desired result.
Repair Using The VLC Media Player

If an AVI file is not working in the VLC media player, you can use the repair feature of the media player to make your life easy. To repair a file, press the “Tools” option under that, go to “Preferences” option; from there, go to “Files” and select the damaged file. And then select the “Always Fix” option, followed by the “Save” button.
Try Downloading The Audiovisual Data Again
At times if some changes occur at the time of downloading, then it can corrupt the data. So a simple thing to do is to download the audiovisual data once again. However, if the problem persists, then you may need to repair it with software.
Try Changing The Media Player Of The Audiovisual Data
At times changing the media player may help. So you can try Apple Quicktime or Windows Media Player etc.
Change The Format
At times if all the above fixes do not work and you need to see the video, then you can try changing the format. So you can convert from AVI to MP$ to try and solve your problem for the time being; however, if you must try a repair software.
How To Know If An AVI Data Is Corrupted?
The above-mentioned quick fixes can be used only if you know that the audiovisual data is corrupted. However, many people do not know what the telltale signs of a corrupted audiovisual file are. So here is a list of signs to look out for
- Unclear audio in an audiovisual data
- Unclear visuals like blurry or pixelated images
- A lag in the playback sound of the video
- The video gets stuck at random points
- Sudden screen blackouts
How To Prevent A Piece Of Audiovisual Data From Getting Damaged

Get A Good Antivirus Software
One of the significant reasons why a file gets corrupt is because it is attacked by a malicious code (virus). So if your device has a good antivirus system in it, then you will minimize the chances of your files getting damaged.
Transfer Or Download The Video Properly
At times interruptions while downloading the audiovisual data or while transferring it can damage it. So when you download or transfer a piece of data, make sure that you have good internet connectivity. If it is a very important piece of data, then you can also carry out an internet speed test to check if you have good connectivity or not.
Make Sure That The Audiovisual Data And The Format Are Compatible With Each Other
At times an audiovisual data may not be compatible with the AVI format, and hence it will not play properly. To rule out such cases, you can try playing the audiovisual data in another format. And if the issues are resolved, then you know that it is a compatibility issue.

Audiovisual data that cannot be read is pretty useless, and you may have to eventually delete it. However, if it contains vital data, then you want to retrieve it by all means. It is always advisable to try the more straightforward fixes like re-downloading or re-transferring, playing the audiovisual data in an alternative format etc.
However, if none of the simple techniques works, you may have to use software that makes the audiovisual data readable again. Most of the software that is available in the market comes with a free-to-download version. It is advisable to buy the premium packages only if you are satisfied with the way the free-to-download version of the tool works.