Regular sunglasses are the standard part of the equipment that people are wearing when they are going to the beach. However, it is a common practice that people will leave them when they are going into the water. On the other side, it can be a problem for people with bad eyesight.
The first and most important thing is to choose the right model for any occasion. For example, if you want standard sunlight protection, the best solution is to get some polarized plastic sunglasses that you can check if you visit this site.
Moreover, there are similar options available for people with bad sight as well. Still, there is a problem when you want to get into the water with them since they will fall off. On the other hand, there are some solutions to these issues as well, and we are going to present them in the following article.
1. Use a Strap Kit

As we already mentioned, simply leaving the glasses on your head and getting into the water will cause them to fall off the first time your head ends under the water. However, there is a way to enjoy more while securing a good vision, and you can do that by using a special strap that will strengthen the glasses to your head.
There are different models of this product, and one of the best is the elastic one, which represents an extension that you will connect to the glasses on the back side and tight them up to your head. The only issue that might happen is that the water stays on your lenses, but you will still have much better sight, especially if you have a higher diopter.
Moreover, you should know that proper maintenance is also important. Certain ingredients in water might damage your lenses. When it comes to pools, there are chemicals like chlorine and bromine, and their deposits on the glasses can lead to issues. In that matter, you should clean them each time you get out of the water. The situation is even more complicated with the salt water that can cause scratches and other issues.
2. Always Keep Microfiber With You
The biggest challenge is to keep the glasses clean all the time. In that matter, make sure that you use a microfiber cloth every time when you get out of the water. Various chemicals and other ingredients can lead to damage if they stay on the glass and other parts for a longer time.
Another great product that we have to mention is the special spray that you can apply to your glasses to prevent fog when getting in the water. That is especially good for those interested in snorkeling.
3. Combination of Contacts and Swimming Goggles

In case you simply don’t find it comfortable to be in the water while wearing eyesight glasses, there is another solution that can help. While keeping the contact lenses on and diving in the water can lead to losing them, you will prevent them by wearing the additional swimming goggles.
You can find all kinds of models on the market, and they can be easily adjusted to keep the position on your head so the water cannot get in contact with your eyes. There is also a more convenient solution, which is to buy special swimming goggles with lenses that can improve your eyesight. However, a lot of people choose to avoid this option due to the high price.
The situation is the same for those interested in snorkeling, but you will need a special mask. There is no need to look for the one with built-in lenses. However, it is important to tighten it to your head in the right way and prevent water from getting inside. The problem can be more serious when you stay in the water for a longer time since bacteria and various substances and chemicals can stay on contact lenses, and that can lead to irritation and infection.
4. Get the Right Mask
If you are interested in diving and snorkeling, there are some models that are big enough that you might even be able to leave your prescription glasses on while swimming. However, the challenges will remain the same as with the contacts. It is crucial to find a model that you can fix to your head in the right way and prevent any water from getting inside.
Always use the spray that will prevent fog on the glass so that you can avoid issues with bad eyesight. You can apply this product to both masks and glasses.
5. Maybe You Don’t Need Glasses in the Water

This depends on the level of how bad your eyesight is. Also, keep in mind that things will appear magnified when you are diving, which means that you might don’t need contacts or glasses while swimming. It is up to you to decide. The advantage of not wearing any prescription lenses is that you will avoid common issues with cleaning, maintenance, and irritation.
The best way to check this is to simply go into the water without wearing any eyesight assistance. If you notice that you can still see most of the things and that it won’t cause any issues to leave the lenses on the beach, it will make your swimming much more pleasant. However, people with bigger eyesight issues should still choose some of the options above.
Last Words
As you can see, there are several solutions that you can choose. The best way to choose the best one is to do that according to your preferences. Always determine whether it is necessary to wear any support in the first plan. If that is the case, the easiest solution is to use the strap that will fix your glasses.
Also, the most important thing for those who are wearing contact lenses is to clean them all the time since salt and other substances can lead to infection if you stay in a pool or salt water for a longer time.