6 Signs Of Underlying Water Damage In Your Property

Source: boorooandtiggertoo.com

Water damage is one of the most common yet devastating issues that a homeowner can face. For all its life-giving benefits, water seeping and invading structural elements can cause severe problems to your home.

Moreover, water damage can sneak up on you, occurring out of sight. Most homeowners notice water leaks too late, causing severe damage to their homes. Fortunately, here are six underlying signs of water damage regardless of how well-hidden a leak is.

1. Water Puddles

Water puddles are a normal occurrence outside, especially after rain. However, small pools of water and puddles in your home are among the most common signs of water damage. Consequently, plumbing problems such as clogged drains or pipes can lead to a puddle of water.

It may also occur from damaged plumbing pipes or water-using appliances such as washing machines or water heaters. Meanwhile, water puddles or wet spots on your lawn may indicate a leak in your underground plumbing pipes.

So, when you notice water collecting in an area, turn off your electricity and water line immediately. Call an expert, like Water Damage Specialist, to inspect the area and check for the source.

2. Damp Surfaces

Source: homeserve.com

When water seeps into your home’s structures and materials, it will leave surfaces like walls, ceilings, and floors damp. Over time, it can cause discoloration and ugly stains on these surfaces due to the mineral deposits left behind by leaking water.

Generally, stains and discoloration are more noticeable on light-colored surfaces but can also appear on surfaces with darker paints. A re-painting project may help cover them but won’t solve the issue. Unless you fix the water damage and find its source, the stain will only keep returning while causing further damage to the structure.

3. Peeling Or Bubbling Paint

Next to stains, bubbling or peeling paint is another noticeable sign of underlying water damage. If water seeps into surfaces like ceilings or walls, it can cause the paint to bubble or flake.

Moisture gets trapped beneath the layers of paint, causing the paint to separate from the surface and bubble up like skin blisters. It can also cause paint to deteriorate, ultimately leading to peeling.

It’s one of the most obvious signs of water damage. However, it doesn’t indicate how much damage occurred behind the scenes. As such, it’s essential to immediately call a water damage expert once you see large areas of bubbling paint.

4. Mold Growth

Mold is a worrying sign that your home has water damage. If a leak or moisture occurs, particularly in hidden dark places, mold will grow and cause a musty or stale smell. Any surface in your home that remains damp for extended periods can develop mold.

Significantly, mold can cause structural and cosmetic problems in your home. It can also contribute to poor air quality. Hence, it can cause health issues, including respiratory problems or worsening existing conditions, such as allergies and asthma. Finding the location of the mold may point you to the source of water damage.

5. Floor Damage

Source: checkatrade.com

When water damage occurs to your flooring, you may notice it immediately, particularly for wood flooring. After all, wood hates water. So, your wood flooring will start to deform when exposed to excess moisture for longer.

Depending on the type of wood flooring, water damage can cause it to expand and break away, buckle or rise like a bun, or become soft and soggy, causing the affected parts to sink. For tiles, water damage can loosen the material. It may also lead to mold growth under the subflooring and grout.

So, if you feel like you’re walking on uneven, soggy, or wet ground, it’s an obvious sign that the layers beneath your flooring have excess moisture. It’s best to call a professional immediately to fix the issue and help save your floors.

6. Higher Water Bills

A higher water bill may indicate a hidden leak and damage in your home. If your water usage stayed the same, but your water bill suddenly went up, you can ask your provider if there’s a price increase. Otherwise, a higher water bill may indicate water is leaking somewhere around your home. It can occur in areas you rarely visit, such as the basement or crawlspace.

Hire a qualified water damage expert to assess your home’s plumbing and help you locate potential leaks causing your water bills to spike.

Source: elkinsapartments.com


Water damage can be frustrating and expensive, especially for hidden leaks. Fortunately, you can spot and resolve water damage if you only know what to look for. If you notice any of the above signs, don’t delay. Look for the source immediately. You can also hire a water damage expert to assess your home and fix any issues immediately.