Whether you like the idea of vinyl or not, there are plenty of reasons to choose it over laminate flooring. Vinyl has a long lifespan and can be easily cleaned, whereas laminate is a more delicate material that must be protected from moisture, excessive heat, and chemical spills.
Advantages of Vinyl Flooring

1. Durability
Laminate floors can be very delicate and can quickly become scratched or damaged. On the other hand, vinyl floors are much more durable and can last longer without needing to be replaced.
2. Easier Maintenance
Laminate floors require a lot of maintenance in order to keep them looking good. This includes regular cleaning and checking for cracks or tears in the flooring. Vinyl floors, on the other hand, are easier to maintain because they do not require any special care. All you need to do is sweep them regularly and clean up any spills or messes that happen.
3. Non-Slip Surface
One of the main benefits of vinyl flooring is its non-slip surface. This means that your feet will not slip when walking on the flooring and you will never have to worry about making a mess while trying to walk across it.
4. Stain Resistance
Unlike laminate flooring which is easily stained, vinyl floors resist staining thanks to its synthetic materials. This makes it ideal for areas where there might be a lot of traffic or spilled drinks.
5. Customizable Looks
If you want to change the look of your flooring then you can do so without having to replace the entire flooring. You can instead choose to replace just a section of the flooring or add some new vinyl flooring accessories to give your floor a new look.
6. Cost
One of the main drawbacks of laminate floors is that they are often expensive to purchase and install. On the other hand, luxury vinyl flooring is much cheaper to buy and install.
7. Non-toxic
Unlike other types of flooring that can contain harmful chemicals, vinyl floors are made from non-toxic materials. This means they’re safe for both pets and children to walk on.
Types of vinyl flooring

One type of vinyl flooring is called neoprene. It is made from recycled rubber and is flexible but strong. It’s a good choice for areas that need some flexibility, like hallways or steps.
Another type of vinyl flooring is called PVC vinyl. It is made from plastic and has a very tough texture. It’s a good choice for areas that need a lot of durabilities, like the floors in a kitchen or bathroom.
There’s also latex-based flooring, which is less durable than PVC but more popular because it’s easier to clean and doesn’t require special care.
How to maintain vinyl floors
Vinyl floors are a popular choice for many homeowners because they are durable, low-maintenance, and look great. However, like any flooring material, it may require occasional care to keep it looking its best. Here are some tips on how to maintain your vinyl floor:
Clean Vinyl Floors – First and foremost, make sure to clean your floors regularly with a mild soap and water solution. Use a soft cloth to gently wipe down the surface of the floor. Be sure to work from the top of the floor down to avoid damaging the finish. If dirt or dust accumulates, use a vacuum cleaner with a hose attachment to remove it.
Apply an Anti-Reflective Coating – Another important step in maintaining your vinyl floor is applying an anti-reflective coating every two years or when the surface appears dull or scratched. This will help reduce reflection and improve the appearance of your floor. Choose a product that is safe for varnished surfaces and follow the instructions carefully.
Protect Against Urine & Pet Odors – Finally, be sure to protect your vinyl floors against urine and pet odors by using appropriate mats and liners when necessary. Select products that are specifically designed for use on vinyl floors and be sure to read the label before using them.
How to Install

If you’re thinking about replacing your old, worn-out flooring with something new and exciting, vinyl flooring is a great option. Here’s everything you need to know about installing them!
First, you’ll need a few things: a leveler or straightedge, a power drill with a bit that’s at least 1 inch wide and 1/4 inch deep (or an electric jigsaw), and some type of adhesive. You’ll also need some type of sealant to protect the adhesive from moisture and dust (optional).
Measure the area where you want the new flooring to go and mark it off with the leveler or straightedge. Use the power drill to make sure the area is perfectly flat. If it isn’t, use the jigsaw to take off any bumps or divots.
Now, apply a thin layer of adhesive to one edge of the vinyl flooring. Center the vinyl on top of the marked area and press down firmly until it’s fully adhered. Use the power drill to screw in place any lag screws or nails that were included in your installation kit. Allow the adhesive to dry for at least 24 hours before moving around or cleaning up.
Once the adhesive has dried, use a damp cloth to clean any dirt or dust off of the surface. Apply a second layer of adhesive to the opposite edge of the vinyl and repeat steps 3-5 above. Allow this adhesive layer to dry overnight before proceeding.
Wrapping up
Many people are hesitant to switch to vinyl floors because they think that laminate is a better choice. However, they have some big advantages over laminate flooring. For one, they are much more durable and resistant to moisture and mold. They also look much nicer than laminate floors, which can be difficult to clean. If you’re interested in switching to vinyl flooring but don’t know where to start, we hope our guide has helped you choose the right type of flooring for your home and get started installing it quickly and easily!